Like a dark crack through a light cup
online exhibition with pavillion 27, Juli 2021
"Like a dark crack through a bright cup," followed the format of a website that showed a 3D scan of the physical installation, an excerpt of a poem by Rainer Maria Rilke, and two video works. Clicking on the poem took visitors to a zoomaroom that was open for two weeks. This room acted as a place of encounter and gathered visitors virtual, but more importantly, physically into the installation. All sounds, especially the voice, penetrated a pool through underwater speakers and made the water surface vibrate. The webcam showed the inside of the intallation, which was located in the Academy of Fine Arts Nuremberg during the exhibition period and was inaccessible because of the lockdown restrictions.
Tablet, cell phone, underwater loudspeaker, amplifier, cable, PVC-box, lakewater, sand, found objects, tape, print on tab, construction spotlight, chairs and wooden boards.