spatial axis activation cube
upper pictures (by Eunice Maurice): 2021, Kunsthalle Baden-Baden; lower pictures (right one by Florian Freund): 2021, munich, Pasinger Marienplatz
spatial axis activation cube, 2020, sound installation, 3d-printed six sided speaker, site specific sound activation
a wetness with limbs
2021, Akademie Galerie, Nuremberg
a wetness with limbs with Simone Körner, 2021, installation with sounding windows, performance and living environment, durational performance with video, sound and body
I don't want to be a-part from you
i don't want to be a-part from you with Simone Körner, 2020, resonance ritual, vibration performance, quarry at untersberg, austria
sample-based synthesis
sample-based synthesis, digitally processed image series, 10 pictures, dimensions: 2x 3024x3024 pixel, 2780x2780 pixel, 2568x2568 pxel, 2520x2520 pixel, 2508x2508 pixel, 3x 2448x2448 pixel, 1692x1692 pixel
upper left picture: basssauna on the "struttura" by DAF, 2018, artissima, turin; upper right picture: basssauna on "pneu" by Selina Traun, 2019, art berlin, airport tempelhof berlin; lower left two pictures (first one by Johannes Kersting): basssauna on the "basssaune", 2019, annual exhibition, academy of fine arts, nuremberg; lower right picture: basssaune prototype, 2018
basssauna, 2018, bass interference ritual, sound performance
basssaune, 2019, wood, six bass speakers, neon lights, carrier for basssaunas´
basssaune prototype, 2018, wood, two bass speakers, cardboard, carrier for basssaunas
uncanny yet warm nights
uncanny yet warm nights with Michael Akstaller and Simone Körner, 2019, architectural resonance ritual/ sound performance in public space, hypgeum, cividale del friuli, italy
I like to understand my work as a practice of resonance. Resonance not as a physical process but as a mode of existence and interweaving of material, temporal and spacious, physical and psychosocial rhythms, which in their interferences occasionally synchronously stimulate each other and create occurrences.
spatial axis activation cube
2021, Kunsthalle Baden-Baden (photos by Eunice Maurice)
spatial axis activation cube, 2020, sound installation, 3d-printed six sided speaker, site specific sound activation
a wetness with limbs
2021, Akademie Galerie, Nuremberg
a wetness with limbs with Simone Körner, 2021, installation with sounding windows, performance and living environment, durational performance with video, sound and body
I don't want to be a-part from you
i don't want to be a-part from you with Simone Körner, 2020, resonance ritual, vibration performance, quarry at untersberg, austria
sample-based synthesis
sample-based synthesis, digitally processed image series, 10 pictures, dimensions: 2x 3024x3024 pixel, 2780x2780 pixel, 2568x2568 pxel, 2520x2520 pixel, 2508x2508 pixel, 3x 2448x2448 pixel, 1692x1692 pixel
first picture: basssauna on the "struttura" by DAF, 2018, artissima, turin; second picture (by Johannes Kersting): basssauna on the "basssaune", 2019, annual exhibition, academy of fine arts, nuremberg
basssauna, 2018, bass interference ritual, sound performance
basssaune, 2019, wood, six bass speakers, neon lights, carrier for basssaunas´
uncanny yet warm nights
uncanny yet warm nights with Michael Akstaller and Simone Körner, 2019, architectural resonance ritual/ sound performance in public space, hypgeum, cividale del friuli, italy